Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Our team at Alce Events, and two of the employees at Specialty Insurance Group, have entered into a 6 month weight loss challenge as of June 1st. Their total combined weight loss goal is 60 pounds. My goal is to lose 50 pounds by December 15th. At 214 pounds and 5'3.5 inches, I developed type II Diabetes at the age of 28. What seemed like a sinus infection that I couldn't "shake off" turned into two weeks worth of sleepless nights, excruciating muscle cramps in my legs that were nearly paralyzing until the pain subsided, and a constant, insatiable urge to drink endless bottles and cups of water. The final straw for me was when I noticed that I had lost 10 pounds in two weeks without dieting, and one day while in the shower I noticed that my left leg was numb. Freaked out, I went to my doctor right away. My glucose levels were at 572, and I was hospitalized for four days. At that point, my body was no longer absorbing the nutrients in the foods I ate because they were being flushed out with the enormous amounts of water that I drank daily. If you've ever been diagnosed with any type of disease, you know what I mean by your life is forever changed when the doctor utters the words that contain your diagnoses.
During my four day hospital stay, I had more blood work done than I can count on my fingers and toes, and had blood drawn from my artery through my left arm. That hurt more than all of the blood work combined! My triglycerides were high and my potassium levels were very low. I drank liquid potassium once and then advised my nurse to switch over to pills in order for me to hold it down. I was also given Niacin to which I had a horrible reaction to and developed a hot (literally) rash and itching from head to toe. Not scratching while the Benadryl injected through my IV took effect was almost impossible.
My husband was there every day to make sure that I was ok, and watched to learn how to inject the insulin and check my glucose levels along with me. Although my husband is 6'2 and thin, he changed his diet along with me to be supportive. At first, I did not know whether to laugh or cry when I saw him reading food labels to count carbs, dietary fiber and sugar in the foods he'd prepare for me. I am very blessed and fortunate to have such a wonderful man by my side! We have both learned how to choose healthier food alternatives.
Eight months later, I am no longer insulin dependent but use two types of medicines, along with diet, to keep my glucose levels under control. As emotional as it may be to write this blog, I hope that it helps inspire those of you who have come across my story and struggle with your weight and/or weight related health issues. I've had to learn that food is not your enemy! At 29, my mind is made up that I WILL enter my 30's a healthy and vibrant young lady with many personal and professional goals and dreams to attain.
This challenge has made me accountable to myself, the participants from Specialty Insurance Group and you my blog readers. By opening up about such a personal and frustrating part of my life I can be a true example that living healthy is doable, and always the best choice over crash diets and binging in order to look "your best" for your wedding or special occassion.
Stay tuned for updates on each of our progresses, frustrations, failures and most importantly... successes!

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